省教育厅近日发出通知.要求做好2003年教育部主办的有关报刊和山东省教育厅主办主管的报刊发行工作。 通知要求,各地、各学校要认真做好省教育厅主办的《现代教育导报》、《山东教育》和主管的其他教育报刊的发行工作。省教育厅所办报刊是指导全省教育工作的重要新闻宣传媒体,是加强教育宣传,总结推广经验,指导教育教学改革和科研的重要渠道,各地和各高校要认真做好宣传推荐订阅工作。
The Provincial Department of Education recently issued a circular calling for the publication of newspapers and periodicals hosted by the Ministry of Education in 2003 and hosted by the Shandong Provincial Department of Education. The circular requires that all localities and all schools should conscientiously do a good job in issuing the “Guide to Modern Education”, “Shandong Education” and other educational newspapers and periodicals under the auspices of the Provincial Department of Education. The newspapers and periodicals run by the Provincial Department of Education are important news media that guide the educational work in the whole province. They are an important channel for strengthening education and propaganda, summing up and popularizing experiences, and guiding education and teaching reform and scientific research. Localities and colleges and universities should conscientiously do a good job of publicizing and recommending subscriptions.