Diligence–A Chinese Traditional Value

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  Many Westerners know from their experience of working in China that the Chinese are a hard-working, diligent people.
  Chinese tradition teaches that diligence is not only a spiritual strength aimed at achievement, but part of the moral principles guiding one’s life. The Chinese believe diligence is in conformity with the course of human justice and natural law. Chinese tradition teaches us to “be loyal and devoted to the last.” Diligence in working is also the means by which one makes up for any lack of natural talent.
  The Chinese nation bestows high praise to those whose aim in life is to do something worthwhile. They believe that if one is diligent in studying and working, one will be successful. This fine tradition has been passed from generation to generation in such learned sayings as “One will vainly regret in old age one’s laziness in youth” and “Keep learning as long as one is alive.”
  There are, in addition, many beautiful fairy tale stories throughout Chinese history praising diligence. More often than not, the plot involves a pretty fairy maiden falling in love with a poor scholar who studies late into the night or a young farmer who, though unrefined and simple, works extremely hard. In these stories, the male characters gain love, satisfy their family and earn richness due to their diligence. These fairy tales express the Chinese people’s moral beliefs and aesthetic standards.
  You have probably heard the story of how the richest person in China, Li Ka-shing, started his business empire. When he was young, Li Ka-shing was a salesman in a rubber factory. He was deeply aware of the fact that, if he wanted to become a successful salesman, he had to be diligent. When other people worked only eight hours per day, he would work 16 hours.
  This way, in just one year, he rose above the six other salesmen in his company and became the top salesman with the highest earnings. His secret? He treats each task with the utmost sincerity and as if his own cause was at stake, not just as work for some boss. He never thinks of his efforts as a job he does just to make a living or to feed his family and himself.
  Why have Chinese people been so diligent? A primary reason is that Chinese traditional society is based on an agricultural economy with a large percentage of small farmers. Since there was limited space for farmland, the only way to gather a larger harvest was to work harder and longer, from sunrise to sundown. Under this kind of economic regime, if you don’t work hard, you go hungry.
  Of course, in ancient China, there were also a small segment of people who made a living doing various kinds of business and some of these people became rich. But, traditional Chinese culture held that business was not a good way to make a living because it could not make a society rich. So, these early Chinese businessmen were held in very low esteem. People looked down on those who suddenly earned big money.
  At any rate, whether one was a farmer or businessman, they all accumulated their wealth little by little in traditional Chinese society. Thus, it is fair to say the quality of diligence of the Chinese comes from a long and unique set of natural and social circumstances.
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