Environmental Chemical, Physical and Biological Toxicants and Risk Assessment

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P1-1 Health risk of newborn from lead-exposed mother C TANGBANLUEKAL1, W LEELAKUNAKORN1, S RUANGKANCHANASETR2(1. Department of Pathology, 2. Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand)Abstract:Lead (Pb) is the heavy metal that has an effect on an irreversible mental retardation and brain development in newborn till the age of 2 year; therefore, World Health Organization has established a maximum allowance standard for blood lead in child at 10 μg·dL -1. The present study was conducted to demonstrate the relationship of Pb concentration in maternal blood (BL), breast milk (MK) and umbilical cord blood (UC) after leaded gasoline use in Thailand has been prohibited since 1994. P1-1 Health risk of newborn from lead-exposed mother C TANGBANLUEKAL1, W LEELAKUNAKORN1, S RUANGKANCHANASETR2 (1. Department of Pathology, 2. Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand) Abstract: Lead (Pb) is the heavy metal that has an effect on an irreversible mental retardation and brain development in newborn till the age of 2 year; therefore, World Health Organization has established a maximum allowance standard for blood lead in child at 10 μg · dL - 1. The present study was conducted to demonstrate the relationship of Pb concentration in maternal blood (BL), breast milk (MK) and umbilical cord blood (UC) after leaded gasoline use in Thailand has been prohibited since 1994.
  云南师范大学经济政法学院青年教师、教授、社会学博士毕天云的学术专著 (博士学位论文)《社会福利场域的惯习———福利文化民族性的实证研究》(25万 字),在
目的 采用质谱技术研究许旺细胞源神经营养蛋白 (SDNP)的分子结构。 方法 将纯化后保持活性的SDNP ,用TPCK 胰蛋白酶酶解 ,行激光飞行时间质谱检测 ,测定肽质量指纹质谱 ,
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
摘要:物质生活的富足使人们开始转向对精神生活的追求,突出的表现为越来越多的人开始喜欢上了跳舞。但在关于舞蹈基本功的看法上观点不一,很多人认为练习舞蹈基本功可以让一个人跳起来显的更专业,这样才是将舞蹈跳好的关键。但笔者认为练习舞蹈没有必要人云亦云、固步自封。  关键词:舞蹈基本功;舞蹈练习;看法  先练舞蹈基本功未必能“留人”  在关于舞蹈基本功练习的认识上,笔者不置可否,在这里笔者只是表达一下自己