在学术界 ,一般人总认为梁漱溟参加“五四”新文化运动的东西方文化论战 ,是站在陈独秀、胡适一派的对立面 ,是东方文化派或顽固守旧派的主将与代表人物 ,他的文化思想代表了更为保守的社会层面。然而事实上 ,梁漱溟并不笼统地反对“五四”新文化运动 ,相反 ,他时常以陈独秀、胡适的同道自诩 ,并对陈、胡的思想表示了某种程度的赞赏。尤其难能可贵的是 ,梁漱溟没有限于当时的东西文化孰优孰劣之争 ,而是站在人类文明发展的高度 ,以一种文化多元论的眼光来处理西、中、印文化之间的关系 ,并试图寻求拯救人类文明的良方 ,这不能不说是他的高明之处
In academia, most people think that Liang Shuming’s participation in the “May 4th” New Culture Movement’s East-West cultural polemics is based on the opposition of Chen Duxiu and Hu Shih, and is the masters and representatives of the oriental cultural school or the stubborn old school. His cultural thinking Represent a more conservative social dimension. However, in fact, Liang Shu-ming did not oppose generally the May Fourth New Culture Movement. On the contrary, he often concedes of himself in the same line as Chen Duxiu and Hu Shi and expresses some appreciation of Chen and Hu’s ideas. What is especially commendable is that Liang Shuming is not limited to the one in which the Eastern and Western cultures prevailed at that time but stood at the height of the development of human civilization and handled the relationship between the cultures of Western, Central and Indian cultures with a cultural pluralism Trying to find a remedy to save human civilization can not but be said to be his cleverness