“没有调查就没有发言权”。这是无数事实证明了的,关心下一代工作也是如此。 2000年1月,广东省关心下一代工作委员会成立后,遵照党一贯倡导的实事求是,一切从实际出发的作风,紧紧围绕关工组织成立后“干什么、怎么干”这个主题,深入调查研究,并把调查情况与建议报告党委和政府,然后积极配合职能部门,认真做好关心下一代工作,以实际行动学
“No investigation, no right to speak”. This is a myriad of facts, as is the case for the next generation of work. In January 2000, following the founding of the Next Generation Work Committee, Guangdong Province concerned itself with the principle of seeking truth from facts advocated by the party and proceeding from the actual conditions in all its work. It focused on the theme of “what to do and how to do after the establishment of the organization” Research, and report the investigation of the situation and recommendations to the party committees and governments, and then actively cooperate with functional departments, conscientiously do a good job of care for the next generation of work, with practical action