在杭州G20峰会圆满落幕之后,9月9日,又一场重磅会议即将登陆杭州。2016中国服装论坛·杭州峰会将于杭州艺尚小镇开启“Next Era,Next Fashion”(新时代,新时尚)。本届论坛由中国服装协会、中国服装设计师协会、杭州市余杭区人民政府共同主办,杭州临平新城开发建设管理委员会联合承办,首次落地杭州。本届论坛将镜头瞄准了中国时尚行业成长型公司,旨在为它们创造一个可以共同规划未来发展远景,并与全球时尚领域领军者展开对话合作的平台。据了解,本次论坛将包含主旨演讲、专家演讲、闭幕演讲等多个环节,主题鲜明、内容丰富。
After the successful conclusion of the G20 summit in Hangzhou, another heavyweight conference is about to land in Hangzhou on September 9. 2016 China Garment Forum · Hangzhou Summit opens in Hangzhou Yishang Town “Next Era, Next Fashion” (New Age, New Fashion). This forum is co-sponsored by China National Garment Association, China Garment Designers Association and Hangzhou People’s Government and Hangzhou Linping New City Development and Construction Management Committee. It is the first time for Hangzhou to land in Hangzhou. The forum aimed at the growth companies in the fashion industry in China with the aim of creating a platform for them to jointly plan their future development prospects and start dialogue and cooperation with the world’s fashion leaders. It is understood that this forum will include keynote speeches, expert speeches, closing speeches and other links, with distinctive theme and rich content.