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明代许仪后、郭国安等忠君报国活动事迹考管宁明万历中,日本丰臣秀吉欲假道朝鲜入寇中华。中朝军民联手抗倭,历时七年,史称“王辰战争”。时有江西医者许仪后,流寓日本萨摩国,与郭国安携力,侦备倭情,遣朱均旺越海密报朝廷知道。仪后密报倭情,事发被捕,得人所救,... After the Ming Dynasty Xu Yi, Guo Guoan and other loyalty to the country activities deeds test tube Ning Wanli, Japan Toyotomi Hideyoshi fake North Korea invaded China. China and North Korea joint military operations against Japan, which lasted seven years, known as the “war of Wang chen.” At a time when medicine practitioners in Jiangxi Province were exiled, they slept in the country of Satsuma and collaborated with Guo Guoan to detect the Japanese invasion and send Zhu Junwang to the court to inform the court. After the instrument reported the Japanese situation, the incident was arrested, saved, ...
黄宗江去年出版了他的《剧作选》,在《嫁接集》的题词中,他写了这样一段话:“悲怆交响曲(Sydney Box原著)是我一九四○年为燕京大学的剧社演出而翻译的。这一篇是宋悌芬学兄交给张芝联学兄发表在张主编的《西洋文学》上,乃得幸存。存此留念。”(第4页)  我和宗江是先后同学,我是一九三五——一九三七年燕京大学本科生,卢沟桥事变后未能从上海回北平,只得和我的同班同学宋悌芬(淇)到武汉大学借读,后来我在