美国安德烈·寇尔南德(André Cournand)教授、廸金逊·威·理查兹(Dickinson W.Richards)教授和德意志联邦共和国的韦尔纳·福斯曼(WernerForssmann)医生获得了1956年医学方面的诺贝尔奖金。他们在心脏插管术和循环系统的病理变化方面有了新的发现和重大成就。西班牙诗人希麦内斯(Juan Ramon Jimenez)由于用西班牙语写的表现着崇高情感和纯洁艺术的抒情诗章而获得了1956年诺贝尔文学奖金。
Professor André Cournand, Professor Dickinson W. Richards, of the United States and Dr. Werner Forssmann of the Federal Republic of Germany received the medical award in 1956 Aspects of the Nobel Prize. They have made new discoveries and major achievements in the pathological changes of the cardiac catheterization and circulatory system. Spanish poet Juan Ramon Jimenez received the Nobel Prize in 1956 for his lyric poetry in Spanish that expresses the noble emotions and pure art.