“Tea Newsletter” is a tea science and technology periodical sponsored by Hunan Tea Association. Its domestic serial number is CN43-1106 / S and international standard number is ISSN1009-525X. The main published tea cultivation, variety, plant protection, physiological and biochemical, tea processing, management and tea culture and so on, introduces scientific research new developments and new achievements, promote tea new technologies and new methods, provide all kinds of tea information, suitable for vast science and technology Workers, managers, producers, college teachers and students and tea lovers to read. This issue is a quarterly publication, published on the 25th quarter, 16 large format, priced 5.00 yuan, a total of 4 period a total of 20.00 yuan, free postage. Those who want to subscribe, please direct mail or bank direct mail to the “Tea Newsletter” editorial department. Please write down the name and address of the referee,