The Application of Authentic Listening Materials in EFL Classes

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  As the widely used of English in a wide range of areas around the world, more and more concerns about the practicability of receptive skills like listening and speaking was attached attention by learners and educators. In the meantime, the issue of whether authentic input material should be applied in English language teaching caused heated debate in recently decades.
  The merits of using authentic material in teaching listening
  The term authenticity of listening text was defined by specialists as “the language produced by native speakers for native speakers”(Gilmore, 2007, p.4), “a real language produced by a real speaker for real audience and designed to convey a real message of some sort”(Morrow, 1985, p.13). As these extracts generated naturally in everyday life, therefore they usually has not been graded for suit different levels of EFL students.
  The using of authentic texts in teaching listening has a number of advantages for learners and teachers. Firstly, the language used in authentic texts is close to real life might interest learners. As the traditional listening material in textbook usually provide learners contrived, artificial taped dialogues or models, which created for some purpose like grammar or linguistic points, thus the excessive using of this sort of material may bore students, as listening to a foreign language in the same sound, rhyme, pitch and speed can be dull.
  As the fundamental of speaking, listening to authentic passages can help learners grasp the way native speakers communicate. According to Nunan (1996), most people keep the opinion that knowing well a second language means one has the ability to speak and write in that language, however, they ignored that without comprehensible input, learners are not be expected to produce genuine output of the target language. Therefore the authentic listening material plays a vital role in learning spoken language.
  Another particularly worth mentioning advantage of authentic material of listening is the flexibility of up-to-date, which could help learners to be better listeners. The fixed textbook materials have some limitations that can be compensated by authentic ones. Firstly, the selected authentic material can be adjusted to suit for students from different background, proficiency levels and ages. Secondly, the modernization of authentic material provides the highly used language around the world from time to time, which fixed textbook material cannot. Finally, the authentic material exposed learners many varieties of different accent and dialects.   The demerits of using authentic material in teaching listening
  Firstly, the careless chosen of authentic material can be extremely demotivating for students (Harmer, 2001). As the authentic material are not designed for EFL students, they generally has not been graded and simplified to fit the learner’s level, therefore, it might be contains plenty of colloquial vocabularies that less likely to be familiarized by learners.
  Secondly, the authentic listening texts pay less attention to grammatical structures or linguistic points than the textbook material. As the authentic texts are often extracted come from real life, thus it usually give exposure of natural communicative language to learners, rather than specific language focus.
  Other than that, the authentic material chosen would be time-consuming and load off work for instructors. Choosing appropriate authentic material are not easy.Finding out the authentic material need to not only suit for the ongoing class program, but also have to both interesting and accessible is time-consuming.
  Countermeasures for drawbacks
  Although a several number of disadvantages were suggested by educators, the merits of authentic material are obviously far outweigh than demerits, and the countermeasures which aim to cope with the disadvantages were proposed continuously in recent years. For the problem of learners may daunted by failing to comprehend the rarely used words or phrases, Field (1998) pointed out the learners are not demotivated if they are told that not to expect to understand every single word in advance. Indeed, learners will get back the sense of achievement if they can extract information from an ungraded material. For students who have difficulty in adjusting authentic materials, Harmer (2001) suggested that it is better to pre-teach some features of authentic conversations to learners and ask them to try to transcribe them, or provide supporting on playing tapes more than once, or let learners control the tape recorder. Tips for dealing with difficult accents were also illustrated by Harmer (1998), the teacher suppose to introduce characters of different accents to the learners, and encourage learners to guess the background and general meaning after the initial time of listening.
  【作者簡介】Fan Renshui, Li Panpan, Zhengzhou University of Science and Technology.
【摘要】课堂提问是教学设计的重要环节,也是提高课堂效率的助推器。如何巧妙、合理的设计问题,成为课堂提问的关键。本文以湖北省荆州中学为例,以课堂提问技巧为切入点。研究发现该教师在课堂教学中提问数量合理,提问方式使用得当,但也存在教师所提问题缺乏针对性及启发性、教师课堂提问的反馈及处理方式欠缺等问题。  【关键词】英语课堂;提问策略;提问技巧;教学设计  【作者简介】杨帆,湖北师范大学,研究生在读。 
【摘要】本文依托译林版《英语》教材中Story time 板块教学,阐述了在故事教学中发展学生思维的有效策略,有效发展学生的思维能力,促进学生的个性发展。  【关键词】Story time;故事教学;思维  【作者简介】金莲,常州市新北区西夏墅中心小学。  《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》(教育部,2012)指出,义务教育阶段英语课程的总目标是通过英语学习使学生形成初步的综合语言运用能力,
【摘要】本文在探索基于文本阅读有效拓展高中英语写作教学策略研究的课题研究基础上,结合笔者执教的一节读写课,依据教材设计读写活动,帮助学生通过阅读获取词汇、句式等信息,并在此基础上进行仿写练习,从而提升学生的写作兴趣和信心。  【关键词】高一英语;仿写练习;以读促写  【作者简介】王学颖,廊坊市第二中学。  【基金项目】本文为廊坊市教育科学“十三五”规划课题研究成果。课题名称:基于文本阅读有效拓展高
【摘要】在传统的课堂教学中,我们教师很善于提问,“问答”在绝大多数情况下都只停留在教师提问、学生回答的层面上,这实际上仍然是教师控制、主导的课堂,不利于学生语言能力的培养。因此,我们应将课堂提问权还给学生,从而更好地培养学生用英语提问的能力。本文将结合教学案例,阐述将提问权还给学生的重要性,并从多角度探讨了培养学生“提问能力”的方法和策略以及笔者教学实践后的反思。  【关键词】提问权 英语提问 策
【摘要】希腊文化往往蕴含潜在的内涵和长久的价值,从古至今,希腊文化中的广泛、隐喻、拟人等特征给英美文化与其他国家的文化带来了特别深远的影响,探析希腊文化与英美文化之间的关系,可以说在各国文化艺术的进步过程中有着独特的意义。  【关键词】英美文化;希腊文化;特性;价值观念  【作者简介】季戈宁,成都理工大学外国语学院。  一、前言  希腊文化是欧美文化的起源之一,希腊文化中的很多作品成为社会进化过程
【摘要】阅读能力是小学英语阅读教育教学培养要点。良好的英语阅读能力,不仅可以增加小学学生英语词汇储备量,而且可以促使其听说写能力有效提升。因此,为了全面培养小学学生思维创新能力、文字理解能力及分析能力,本文依据小学英语阅读教学中故事教学流程,对故事教学在小学英语阅读教育教学活动中的应用进行了简单的分析。  【关键词】小学;英语阅读教学;故事教学  【作者简介】沙婷婷,渤海大学教育与体育学院,昆山市
【摘要】英语是一门重要的基础学科,学好英语对我们高中生来说至关重要,但是英语学习效率低是大部分学生都会遇到的难题,而利用微课、翻转课堂等方法能够有效解决这一问题。基于此,本文将分析和探究利用微课、翻转课堂等方法促进英语学习效率的提升,希望为我们高中生提高英语学习效率提供一些帮助从而更好地学习英语。  【关键词】微课;翻转课堂;英语学习  【作者简介】朱泓谕,长沙市长郡梅溪湖中学。  引言  学生在
【摘要】商务英语翻译是商务英语专业学生的一门核心课程,是当代对外交流合作中的一种重要中介。商务英语翻译的应用和重点不仅在于其语言性质,还在于其作为一项交涉技能的特性。本文通过对近年来相关商务英语翻译实践研究的文献分析以及相关教学问卷的调研,就当代商务英语翻译实践教学现状进行了分析,并提出解决方案,概括总结当代商务英语翻译实践教学现状及其发展趋势,促进当代商务英语翻译实践的教学与研究。  【关键词】
【摘要】初中的英语也是一门非常重要的学科,教师不仅要传授给学生基础理论知识,还要不断提升学生的核心素养,让学生通过英语的学习,不断提升自身的逻辑思维和语言运用能力。本文针对基于核心素养培养的初中英语任务型阅读教学进行分析。  【关键词】核心素养;初中英语  【作者简介】刘雄豪,江西省赣州市寻乌县第二中学。  引言  英语学科中的核心素养包括学习能力、思想品质、文化品格以及语言能力,在英语的阅读教学