The male, 59 years old, was hospitalized in May 1978 for fever for 4 months due to fever (39°C), cough, loss of appetite, and weight loss (from 190 pounds to 165 pounds). He does not smoke or drink. He did not take medicine. Right kidney nephrectomy was performed in 1956 for renal cell carcinoma. No history of metastasis and no follow-up treatment. Physical examination showed better development but paleness and chronic disease, a body temperature of 37.8°C and a weight of 165 pounds. There is a well-healed surgical scar in the right flank. There was no jaundice in the sclera, no hemorrhage and exudate in the fundus, and no enlarged lymph nodes. Normal heart and lung. The liver and spleen were not sputum, and no palpable mass was found. Laboratory data: Hematocrit 34, Hemoglobin 10.9 gm, (mean cell volume 78, hemoglobin 25, concentration 32), white blood cell count 9000, normal classification, platelets