ShoppingCat: relocating products from the Web in online shopping

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wx9033016
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People today increasingly prefer online over conventional shopping. Online shopping possesses numerous advantages and benefits, such as convenience, lower prices, variety, lack of obligation and discreet purchases. However, selecting from among a huge number of products is a challenge for customers. Customers may spend days or even months viewing relevant products on different web sites, occasionally re-locating previously viewed products for comparison, until a final purchase is made. With the large volume of historically viewed products, it is not an easy job for human users to relocate a previously visited product page using conventional access history lists. Also, the product’s ranking may change, making re-finding it difficult or impossible-even using the same keywords in the same online shopping mall. To address this problem, we developed the ShoppingCat system to assist online buyers in re-finding previously viewed product pages via product-related features or previously accessed context features. We evaluated ShoppingCat’s performance in a 2-month user study: its prediction precision was over 70.0%, and the recall rate was 84.7% particularly for the search-then-browse pages. People shopping as well as over online shopping. Online shopping possessed huge advantages and benefits, such as convenience, lower prices, variety, lack of obligation and discreet purchases. However, May spend days or even months viewing relevant products on different web sites, occasionally re-locating previously viewed products for comparison, until a final purchase is made. With the large volume of historically viewed products, it is not an easy job for human users to Relocate a previously visited product page using conventional access history lists. Also, the product’s ranking may change, making re-finding it difficult or impossible-even using the same keywords in the same online shopping mall. To address this problem, we developed the ShoppingCat System to assist online buyers in re-finding previously viewed product pages via product-related features or previously accesse d context features. We evaluated ShoppingCat’s performance in a 2-month user study: its prediction precision was was over 70.0%, and the recall rate was 84.7% particular for the search-then-browse pages.
2006年4月26-29日, 哈斯数控机床专卖店(Haas Factory Outlet, 简称“HFO”)相继在上海、沈阳及广州开业,首开中国机床行业革命性营销模式之先河。这种集展示、销售、维修、
后勤建设要实现跨越式发展,必须通过军事经济资源的高效配置来实现,必须实行计划与市场结合、军民结合、军事效益与经济效益结合,诸军兵种一体化的后勤建设机制。 In order
编者按:  企业需求旺盛,毕业生供给旺盛,但同时企业选人难,毕业生就业也难。两旺两难,归根结底,是由于学校培养出来的学生不能切合社会的需求,是教育与产业的脱节。要填平这个鸿沟,就要企业往前走一点,学校也往前走一点。如何实现教育与产业的对接?产学互动、校企结合,需要一个更好、更先进的模式。    IT产业作为智力高度密集的产业,人力资源成为产业发展的重要决胜因素。进入20世纪90年代以来,全球经济结