尤里克·奈瑟(Ulric иeisser)是纽约伊大卡市康奈尔大学心理学教授,他在哈佛·斯沃瑟摩尔大学和麻省理工学院受过教育,1956年获哈佛大学心理学哲学博士,1967年来康奈尔大学之前,在布朗底斯大学和宾夕法尼亚大学执教,1973—74年任斯坦福大学“行为科学高级研究中心”研究员,1980—81年任宾夕法尼亚大学斯隆基金学会客座会员。作者论述知觉、注意、记忆、智力以及有关题目的文章约六十余篇,他以《认知心理学》(1967年),《认识与现实》(1976年)和《对记忆的观察:在自
Ulric и eisser is a professor of psychology at Cornell University in Idaho, New York. He was educated at Harvard Swartolomme and MIT and was a PhD in psychology at Harvard University in 1956 Prior to Cornell in 1967, he coached at Brown University and the University of Pennsylvania. From 1973-74, he was a research fellow at Stanford University Center for Advanced Behavior Science and 1980-81 was a guest member of the Sloan Foundation at the University of Pennsylvania. The author discusses about 60 articles on perception, attention, memory, intelligence, and related topics. He uses Cognitive Psychology (1967), Cognition and Reality (1976) and Observation of Memory from