导演:布鲁斯·贝雷斯福德/主演:摩根· 弗里曼、杰西卡·坦蒂/获:1989年第 62届奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳改编剧本、 最佳女主角、最佳化妆 一个仲秋的黄昏,我在某高速公路 服务区看到了这样一个情景:一辆银灰 色的本田缓缓停在服务区商店的门口, 从车上下来了一个差不多有五十岁左右 的男子,穿着西服,打着领带,浑身上 下收拾得很体面。他打开后车门,用一 只手牵出一位满头银发的老太太。他跟 老太太说了几句什么以后,就朝商店走 去。
Director: Bruce Beresford / Starring: Morgan Freeman, Jessica Tandy / won: 1989 62nd Oscar for Best Picture, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Actress, Best Makeup One mid-autumn evening, I saw in a freeway service area such a scene: a silver-gray Honda slowly parked in front of the service area store, down from the car a man about 50 years old, wearing Suit, tie, covered up and down very decent. He opened the rear door, with a hand pull out a silver-haired old lady. When he said something to the old lady, he walked toward the store.