The refractory village of the continuous casting intermediate tank consists of protective material and working material. The protective layer is mostly used clay brick or high alumina brick, the working layer is alkaline gunning material or insulation board. Hoganas, Sweden, has developed a new gunning material based on olivine, which consists of forsterite and a small amount of ferrosilicate. Forsterite refractories contain an organic fiber additive that reduces back-bouncing in the application and heats the sprayer very quickly without exfoliation due to airflow. The gunning material contains (%): 57MgO, 34SiO_2, 7Fe_2O_3 and 1Al_2O_3. The refractoriness is SK38 at 1850 ° C and the calculated (volumetric) density is 2300 kg / m ~ 3. Generally, the working layer has a thickness of 25 mm,