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张宗昌统治山东的头半年,基本没有战争因素的影响,山东人外迁东北三省仍惯性地保持着以往的和缓速度与方式;其后1925年底──1927年初,随着以邻为壑战争对本省的间接影响,躲避战争与谋求改善生活条件成为人们外迁的二个基本动因。移民动机的这种双重特性决定了移民规模较之以往和平时期有明显扩大;到了1927年上半年──1928年5月,战争进入两种敌对势力的决战期,战火烧至山东本省,至此,战争以其特有的巨大破坏力跃居为移民外迁的首要推力。此时的移民外迁活动被打上了深刻的战争烙印,其中,不仅移民流量爆发性上升,还出来源也直接与战争的危害程度相吻合,受战争蹂躏最酷烈的鲁西、鲁南等县区移民流量居首位,并且,移民结构形成及与迁入地关系也同样因战争的决定作用实现了由前一阶段以暂时的侯马式个人迁移为主,辅之以少量的家庭迁移向家庭定居迁移为主,直至发展成为唯一的转变。 Zhang Zongchang ruled Shandong for the first half of the year basically without any influence from the war, and the three northeastern provinces of Shandong were still habitually maintaining the moderation and moderation of their past. Later 1925, at the beginning of 1927, with the indirect beggar-thy-neighbor directing over the province Influences, evasion of war and seeking to improve living conditions have become two basic motivations for the relocation of people. This double feature of immigration motivation determines that the scale of immigration has obviously expanded compared with the peace times in the past; by the first half of 1927 - in May 1928, the war entered the decisive period of two hostile forces and the war burned to Shandong Province. At this point, The war with its peculiar tremendous destructive leaps as the primary thrust of immigration. At this moment, immigrants relocated to other places were branded with profound war. Not only the outflow of immigrants but also the origin of the outflow of immigrants coincided with the extent of the harm caused by the war. Luxi and Lunan counties, which are most devastated by the war, District immigrants flow ranks first, and the relationship between immigration structure formation and immigration also achieved by the decisive role of the war from the previous stage to a temporary Houma-style personal relocation-based, with a small amount of family migration to Family settlement relocation, until the development of the only change.
本报北京3月23日电 董奎、记者范炬炜报道:总后勤部日前颁布新的《军粮核算管理办法》,要求全军和武警部队进一步提高军粮核算管理水平和军粮供应保障效益,促进军粮供应事业又好