1990年11月29日,联合国安理会就伊拉克吞并科威特通过678号决议,决定对伊拉克采取一切必要手段(包括使用武力)进行制裁表决时,我国政府投了弃权票。 1991年11月27日,在联合国向南斯拉夫境内派遣维和部队时,中国对此采取了理解态度,1992年5月30日,联合国通过对南斯拉夫实行全面的经济、外交制裁决议时,我国政府投了弃权票。 美、英.法三国指控利比来亚涉嫌炸毁两架泛美和法航客机,1992年3月21日,安理会通过748号决议,决定自4月15日起对利比亚实行航空、军事和外交制裁,我国政府也投了弃权票。
On November 29, 1990, when the UN Security Council passed a Resolution 678 on Iraq’s annexation of Kuwait and decided to impose sanctions on all necessary measures (including the use of force) of Iraq, our government abstained from voting. On November 27, 1991, when the United Nations dispatched peacekeeping troops to Yugoslavia, China adopted an understanding attitude. On May 30, 1992, when the United Nations passed a comprehensive resolution on economic and diplomatic sanctions against Yugoslavia, the Chinese government abstained from voting. ticket. The United States, Britain, France and France accused Libya of involving the bombing of two Pan Am and Air France passenger planes. On March 21, 1992, the Security Council passed Resolution 748 and decided to impose air, military, and diplomatic sanctions on Libya from April 15. The Chinese government also abstained from voting.