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我初学戏曲艺术时,看到票房门前人群拥挤,剧场内座无虚席,演出结束后仍有戏迷在舞台前久久依恋不愿离去,我心头像是一片阳光灿烂。历史的脚步太快,几乎是一夜之间,剧院与剧团这对割舍不开的情侣被无情地割裂开了,几乎所有的地、县级剧院都干起红红火火的第三产业,餐厅、旅社、洗脚、洗头应有尽有。剧团失去了剧院,戏还得唱下去,惟一的出路只好往农村去,美其名曰送戏下乡,实际是落荒而逃,城市没有观众而去农村,对于戏曲而言是本末倒置,也是对农民观众的不够尊重。 When I first started to study opera and art, I noticed crowds in front of the box office and packed seats in the theater. After the performance, there were still fans who did not want to leave for a long time before the stage. My heart was like a sunny day. The pace of history is too fast, almost overnight, the theater and the troupe of this couple can not be separated from the mercilessly cut apart, almost all of the county theater are booming the booming tertiary industry, restaurants, Hostel, wash your feet, wash your hair everything. The theater lost the theater, the theater had to sing down, the only way to go to the countryside, the United States said its name to send drama to the countryside, actually fled to flee, the city without the audience and went to the countryside, for the opera is the cart before the horse, but also Not enough respect for the peasant audience.
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修建时间:1926—1928年扩建时间:2003—2005年扩建投资:5620万欧元座位:44833贵宾席:800个世界杯可售球票数量:40308球场入口:6个主入口紧急出口:16个 Construction time: 1