据《半导体国际》网2007年8月22日报导:欧洲半导体大厂英飞凌(Infineon)宣布,以4.45亿美元买下巨积(LSI)负责手机基频处理器及平台的行动产品事业(Mobility Products Group),由于巨积长期以来在基频芯片产品线,与三星电子(Samsung Electronics)互动密切、英飞凌这次购并案将有
According to “Semiconductors International” network reported on August 22, 2007: European semiconductor maker Infineon announced that it has purchased LSI Corp.’s mobile product portfolio of mobile baseband processors and platforms for US $ 445m Mobility Products Group), the merger with Samsung Electronics has been closely linked to JMC’s baseband chipsets for a long time and the acquisition will have