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1月15日下午,江苏省委根据中央纪委第五次全会精神,召开全省领导干部反腐倡廉警示教育会,通报原省委常委、省委组织部长徐国健,原宿迁市委常委、市开发区工委书记曾鸿翔等严重违纪违法案件的查处情况并作深刻剖析。徐国健在担任盐城市委书记、江苏省委组织部长、常委期间,先后收受贿赂460万元人民币、8000美元,接受礼金10万元。2004年11月,经中央纪委审议并报中共中央批准,决定给予徐国健开除党籍、开除公职处分,将其涉嫌受贿犯罪问题以及其他涉嫌犯罪线索一并移送司法机关依法处理。曾鸿翔在1992年至2004年春节前,先后利用担任泗阳县委常委、副县长、县委副书记、县长、县委书记和宿迁市委常委、市经济开发区工委书记、开发区管委会主任等职务之便,收受他人贿赂款物折合人民币50万余元,收受他人礼金44万元。2004年9月,曾鸿翔以受贿罪被判处有期徒刑10年,并处没收财产20万元。江苏省委、省人大、省政府、省政协、省纪委领导同志以及省直各单位负责同志和他们的配偶在南京主会场,全省13个省辖市、个县市106区的县处级以上领导干部和他们的配偶在各市、县(市、区)的分会场出席了大会。江苏省委书记李源潮在会上作了《永葆清正廉洁的政治本色》的重要讲话,现刊发他的讲话要点,供广大读者参阅学习。 On the afternoon of January 15, in accordance with the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee convened a provincial anti-corruption warning education association of leading cadres to inform the former Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Party Committee Organization Ministers Xu Guojian, Harajuku Municipal Standing Committee and Municipal Development Zone Work Committee secretary Zeng Hongxiang and other serious disciplinary cases investigated and made a profound analysis. Xu Guojian served as Yancheng party secretary, Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee Organization Minister, the Standing Committee, has received 4.6 million yuan in bribes, 8000 US dollars, received 100 thousand yuan gifts. In November 2004, after deliberation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and approval by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Xu decided to expel Xu Guojian from his party and dismiss him from public service for dismissal. He will also transfer his suspicion of bribery and other suspected crimes to the judicial organs for handling according to law. Zeng Hongxiang from 1992 to 2004 before the Spring Festival, has used as Siyang County Standing Committee, deputy magistrate, county party secretary, county magistrate, county party secretary and Suqian Municipal Committee, Municipal Economic Development Zone Working Committee, director of Development Zone And other duties, accepting bribes and other people's money equivalent to 500,000 yuan, 440,000 yuan recipients receive gifts. In September 2004, Zeng Hongxiang was sentenced to 10 years in prison for accepting bribes and confiscated 200,000 yuan in property. Leaders from Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Provincial People's Congress, provincial government, provincial CPPCC and Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, as well as responsible comrades and their spouses from all units directly under the provincial government in the main venue of Nanjing, the county level of 106 districts and counties in 13 provinces The above leading cadres and their spouses attended the conference at the sub-forums of all cities and counties (cities and districts). At the conference, Li Yuanchao, secretary of the Jiangsu provincial party committee, made an important speech on “maintaining the political character of being honest and clean,” and now he made the point of his speech for the readers' reference.
西班牙高球传奇人物塞弗·巴勒斯特罗斯因患脑瘤住院两个多月后,终于在2008年12月10日出院了。塞弗也感谢医生给了他这个珍贵的“和人生打加洞赛 Spain golf legend Cefaluo
为贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于全面推进事业单位人事制度改革的部署, 吉林省人民政府于2005年7月11日, 在长春召开了吉林省事业单位人事制度改革工作会议。回顾吉林省事业单
青岛流亭国际机场候机楼内的展架、机场迎宾路跨街拱门两侧的柱体广告牌、五四广场草坪上巨大的全运宣传塔、东海路、香港路、银川路等城市主干道上飘扬着的全运会旗帜,比赛场馆门前巨大的泰山童子气模……从机场到赛场、市区,迎接全运会的热烈氛围洋溢在青岛的每一个角落。  为迎接冰上项目的比赛,十一运青岛赛区在比赛之前启动了强大的宣传攻势,一进入青岛,欢迎全国各地运动员观众的横幅、旗帜和广告问候语就会在瞬间扑面而