Application of chemical vapor generation in ICP-MS:A review

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gougou316
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Chemical vapor generation(CVG) is an important sample introduction technique,and is widely used for atomic spectrometry for its enhanced sensitivity and selectivity.In the past 30 years,inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS) has become a widely used and the most sensitive instrument for(ultra-)trace element determination and elemental speciation.A review of applications of this state-of-the-art coupling of CVG and ICP-MS is presented.Discussion is focused on its applications for both element determination and speciation,including hydride generation,cold vapor generation,photochemical vapor generation,alkylation,and electrochemical vapor generation.In addition,recent studies undertaken isotope dilution calibration in CVG-ICPMS for achieving improved accuracy and precision are summarized,and the future perspectives are discussed. Chemical vapor generation (CVG) is an important sample introduction technique, and is widely used for atomic spectrometry for its enhanced sensitivity and selectivity. In the past 30 years, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) has become a widely used and the most sensitive instrument for (ultra-) trace element determination and elemental speciation. A review of applications of this state-of-the-art coupling of CVG and ICP-MS is presented. Disacssion is focused on its applications for both element determination and speciation , including hydride generation, cold vapor generation, photochemical vapor generation, alkylation, and electrochemical vapor generation. In addition, recent studies presenting isotope dilution calibration in CVG-ICPMS for achieving improved accuracy and precision are summarized, and the future perspectives are discussed.
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