At the Court

来源 :语数外学习·九年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:taibei
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   A man had to go to court, and he asked his lawyer which judge would be hearing (审理) the case. His lawyer told him and asked:“Do you know him?”
   The man answered:“No, but I wanted to know his name so that I could send
  him a dozen bottles of good wine.”
   The lawyer was terribly shocked.“You can’t do that,” he said.“You would seriously break the law, and you would surely lose the case.”
   Some weeks later the case was heard, and the man won it. As he was leaving the court, he said to his lawyer: “My present to the judge was quite successful, wasn’t it ?”
   The lawyer was even more shocked than before, and said: “What? Did you really send him that wine after what I told you?”
   “Yes, certainly,” answered the man. “But I put my opponent’s (对手的)name on the card which I sent with the wine.”
   1. The word “him” in the sentence “Do you know him?” refers to _____.
   A. the man
   B. the man’s opponent
   C. the man’s lawyer
   D. the judge
   2. The man’s lawyer told him ______.
   A. he should not break the law
   B. he should send good wine to the judge
   C. he would be sure to lose the case if he didn’t send good wine to the judge
   D. he would be sure to win the case
   3. The man won the case because ______.
   A. he did as his lawyer said
   B. he didn’t break the law
   C. he sent the present to the judge
   D. he didn’t send good wine to his lawyer
   4. The lawyer was even more shocked when he found that his man _____.
   A. won the case
   B. lost the case
   C. didn’t listen to him
   D. didn’t do a good deed
   5. From what the man did, we know _____.
   A. he was an honest man
   B. he was a tricky (有心计的) man
   C. he was a bad man
   D. he was not good or bad
   1.D. 此题需推理得出结论。“Do you know him?”此句是律师对主人公的问话,显然A、C两项不对;由下文的一句“…I could send him a dozen bottles of good wine” 可以推断出him决不是指主人公的对手,而是指法官。故D项为正确答案。
   2.A. 此题可采用排除法解。选项B与C表达的意思完全一致,只是说法不同而已,故排除;根据律师所说的“You would seriously break the law”,可见律师叫他不要违法,可排除D项。显然A项正确。
   3.C.根据文章最后一句“I put my opponent’s name on the card which I sent with the wine”很清楚地看出,他送了礼给法官,只不过是以对手的名义而已。故C项为正确选项。
   4.C. 由第二题的解析可知:律师不让主人公送礼,否则官司会输,而主人公却背道而驰,送了礼,所以律师更震惊。故C项正确。
   5.B. 此题属推论题。此人明知给法官送礼是违法行为,但他仍以对手的名义送礼,从而给法官造成错觉,致使其对手官司败诉,可见,此人颇有心计。所以B项正确。
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