课堂教学效果究竟如何,并不是由教师输出的信息多少来判定,而是由学生有效输入的多少来决定。所以,要想达到预期的教学目标,实现教学效果优化,就应在教学过程中及时掌握来自学生的反馈信息,并据此对教学行为进行合理的调节。一、通过各种途径及时掌握反馈信息 1.通过提问。根据学生回答问题的信息可知学生对所学内容理解得如何,会不会运用。我们设计的问题要有质量,富有启发性。如学习了长方形和正方形的周长计算后,如果这样提问:“怎样求长方形和正方形的周长?”学生只需把有关公式读一读。这样的反馈信息只能说明学生在书上找到了计算公
The effect of classroom teaching how, not by how much information the teacher output to determine, but by the number of students to effectively enter the decision. Therefore, in order to achieve the expected teaching goal and achieve the optimization of teaching effectiveness, feedback information from students should be timely grasped in the teaching process, and the teaching behavior should be reasonably adjusted accordingly. First, through a variety of ways to grasp the feedback information 1 by asking questions. According to the students to answer the question information shows that students understand what they learn, will not be used. The problems we design must be quality and inspirational. If you study the perimeter of a rectangle and a square, if you ask, “How to find the perimeter of a rectangle and a square?” Students just have to read the formula. This feedback can only indicate that the student found the calculator in the book