荞麦在北方干旱高寒地区和边远山区具有明显优势,可以作为救灾作物,也可在提高复种指数上起到一定作用。但是,由于传统习惯一般都种于土壤瘠薄地段、且耕作粗放,病虫害严重,品种退化,致使其产量甚低。近几年随着荞麦出口量的增加和畜牧业的发展,荞麦的需求量越来越大,根据我们多年研究和生产试验总结,提出以下几点供参考。 (一)采用优良品种选用良种是投资少,提高产量的快速措施。目前,在荞麦产区引进种植的日本北海道荞麦,经示范观察,具有丰产潜力大,适应性广、抗逆性强,植株性状好,结实率高等特点,山、
Buckwheat in the northern arid alpine area and remote mountain areas have obvious advantages, can be used as relief crops, but also can play a role in improving the multiple cropping index. However, traditional practices are often planted in infertile soils and are extensively cultivated. Pests and diseases are severe and their varieties degenerate, resulting in very low yields. In recent years, with the increase of export of buckwheat and the development of animal husbandry, the demand for buckwheat is getting bigger and bigger. According to our years of research and production test conclusion, the following points are given for reference. (A) Selection of fine varieties of fine varieties is a quick investment in less investment, improve production. At present, Buckwheat introduced in buckwheat producing areas in Japan is characterized by its high yield potential, wide adaptability, strong resistance, good plant characters and high seed setting rate.