慎用奔腾Ⅲ’信息产业部无明文下达 近日,中国信息产业部就奔腾Ⅲ处理器中存在的序列号问题向其生产厂商英特尔公司亮起黄牌。同时,信息产业部警告各政府关键部门和行业单位,慎用奔腾Ⅲ处理器。序列号是随奔腾Ⅲ一同推出的一个新功能,是一个独一无二的号码标识。该序列号可通过外部软件读出。 随即,记者拨通了英特尔公司的电话,向其了解有关事实。英特尔公司工作人员向记者详尽解释了序列号的特点、用途等,重点就序列号的安全性作了介绍。其后,英特尔公司向本刊发来了长达19页的传真,其中详尽阐述了序列号的技术问题。但是就记者提出的信息产业部为何向英特尔亮黄牌,除了序列号信息产业部还向英特尔提了什么问题等没有作出正面回答。但就其传真和解释推断,可能此次向英特尔亮黄牌发难是缘于信息产业部有关领导说:“奔腾Ⅲ可以联内,不能联外。”
Beware of the Pentium III’s Use of Information from the Ministry of Information Industry In the past, the Ministry of Information Industry of China (MII) has given its manufacturer Intel a yellow card for serial number problems in the Pentium III processor. At the same time, the Ministry of Information Industry warned all government key departments and industry units to use the Pentium III processor with caution. The serial number is a new feature introduced with the Pentium III and is a unique number identifier. This serial number can be read by external software. Immediately, the reporter dialed Intel’s phone and learned about the facts. The Intel company staff explained to the reporter in detail the characteristics and uses of the serial number, and focused on the safety of the serial number. Later, Intel Corporation sent a 19-page fax to the journal, which elaborated on the technical issues of the serial number. However, the reporter put forward why the Ministry of Information Industry gave yellow cards to Intel and did not give a positive answer to the questions raised by Intel. However, according to its fax and explanation, it may be that the attack on Intel’s yellow card was due to the leadership of the Ministry of Information Industry: “The Pentium III can be connected to the country and it cannot be linked to foreign countries.”