有一种精神,一直在我们水利系统中流传,从古代治水英雄大禹,到现今的水利战士,无不被这种精神激励着,鼓舞着……。那么,这种精神到底是什么呢? 解放前,淮阴地区水利条件极差,人们谈水色变,各种天灾、人祸无情地将淮阴人民推入洪水灾难中去,人民的生命财产,无时不受到侵害和吞噬。随着新中国的成立,淮阴水利事业从此翻开了新的一页!“除水害、兴水利”在淮阴大地轰轰烈烈地开展起来,一大批水利技术人才,投身于水利,展现了一幕幕新时代的“大禹”形象!40多年来,从治淮导沂整
There is a spirit that has always been circulated in our water conservancy system. From the ancient flood control hero Yu, to the present water conservancy soldiers, are all inspired by this spirit, inspiring ....... So, what exactly is this spirit? Before the liberation, the conditions of water conservancy in Huaiyin area were extremely poor. People talked of water color change, all kinds of natural disasters and man-made disasters pushed the Huaiyin people into flood disaster mercilessly. The life and property of the people, Infringed and swallowed. With the founding of New China, Huaiyin water conservancy has since opened a new page! “In addition to water damage, water” in the Huaiyin earth vigorously carried out, a large number of water conservancy technical personnel, engaged in water conservancy, showing a new era scene The image of “Dayu”! Over the past 40 years, from the rule Huai Yi Yi whole