西部产业开发是西部大开发战略的中心环节,而产业开发能否成功又同产业结构是否合理密切相关。因此,产业开发必须先调整西部不合理的产业结构,达到产业结构优化,促进西部产业开发。 一、西部产业结构现状分析 东西部区域产业分工体系基本上是:西部农矿初级产品和能源、原?
The development of western industries is the central link in the strategy of developing the western region. Whether industrial development can succeed or not is also closely related to whether the industrial structure is reasonable or not. Therefore, industrial development must first adjust the irrational industrial structure in the western region, achieve the optimization of industrial structure and promote the industrial development in the western region. First, the analysis of the status quo of the industrial structure in the western region The industrial division of labor in the eastern and western regions is basically: the primary agricultural products and energy resources in the western region,