1999年初,网络领域并购案不断,其中影响最大的莫过于@Home并购Excite了,业界对此案猜测颇多。而AT&T以480亿美元收购了TCI,从而成为@Home的最大股东,无疑给这些议论火上浇油。目前,AT&T已把@Home和WorldNet的接入服务与Excite门户合并,并坚称这一措施带来的利润将证明为Excite付出的比其昂贵市价还要高出的30亿美元是值得的。这一行动使人们不禁要问:“接入与内容站点的结合会带来利润吗?”事实上,这次合并带来的任何预期利益都还不明朗。 Internet成长的途径之一是它的不同层次的分离——用户硬件、用户软件、接入、服务器软件、服务器硬件、内容——以及同一层次上众多竞争者的培育。@Home对Excite的收购将迫使Internet产业重新审视内容与接入的集成。与@Home的这一交易在多大程度上
In early 1999, mergers and acquisitions in the network area continued, the most influential of which was @Home Acquisition Excite, the industry speculation quite a lot. And AT & T bought TCI for 48 billion U.S. dollars, making it the largest shareholder of @Home, no doubt fueling these arguments. AT & T has now merged @Home and WorldNet’s access services with the Excite portal and insists that the profits from this measure will justify the $ 3 billion Excite paid more than its expensive market. This move makes one can not help but ask: “The combination of access and content sites will make a profit?” In fact, any expected benefits of the merger are not yet clear. One of the ways that the Internet has grown is its different levels of separation - user hardware, user software, access, server software, server hardware, content - and the nurturing of many competitors on the same level. @Home’s acquisition of Excite will force the Internet industry to re-examine the integration of content and access. To what extent is this deal with @Home?