四措并举 实现更高水平的医疗卫生服务

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2012年,习近平总书记在中央政治局常委中外记者见面会上提出,人民期盼有更高水平的医疗卫生服务。围绕这一命题,成都市卫计委坚持深化医药卫生体制改革与促进医疗卫生事业发展紧密结合,在推进基层卫生综合改革、建立分级诊疗机制、推进公立医院改革、加强国际交流合作等方面大胆探索实践,走出符合成都实际、具有成都特色的医疗卫生发展道路,用更全面、更优质、更便捷、更价廉、更高端的服务满足群众“更高水平”的民生期待。 In 2012, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward at the meeting of Chinese and foreign reporters of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Political Bureau that people expect a higher level of medical and health services. Around this proposition, the Chengdu Municipal Health Planning Commission insisted on deepening the reform of the medical and health system and promoting the development of medical and health undertakings, exploring boldly in such aspects as promoting the comprehensive reform of primary health care, establishing a hierarchical clinic mechanism, promoting public hospital reform and strengthening international exchanges and cooperation Practice, come out consistent with the reality of Chengdu, with Chengdu characteristics of the path of development of health care, with a more comprehensive, better, more convenient, cheaper and more high-end services to meet the masses “higher level ” people’s livelihood expectations.
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