晚上,在一家夜总会里,我们四个全神贯注地在打牌,谁也没有注意到已经夜深人静。蓦地,钟敲了十下,将我们从酣战中惊起。加尔各答城里再也找不出第二座钟可以和这座“媲美”,那比破锣还难听的声音在耳畔久久地回荡着。尽管我们对它已经习以为常,但是这天夜里,刺耳的钟声使我们感到异乎寻常地不快。我们手握着纸牌,正踌躇着不知该做些什么,悉谛奢猛地站起身来,面向门外,大声嚼道:“茶房!套车!”“Jo Hukum!”答话从隔壁传过来。“急什么?”羡那开口了,“把这盘打完。”“不行!你没看见天色多晚了。我一刻也不能停,马上就走。即使这样,我回去也躲
In the night, at a nightclub, four of us were preoccupied with playing cards, and no one noticed that they were late at night. Pissing, the bell knocked ten times to start our pitching. Calcutta could no longer find the second clock in the city, comparable to this one, echoing in the ear for a long time beyond the grunts. Although we have become accustomed to it, the harsh bells have made us unusually unhappy this evening. With our hands on the cards, we are hesitating to know what we should do and stand up in an extravagantly confrontation, cheering outside: “Tea House! Car!” “Jo Hukum!” The answer came from the next door. “What are you anxious?” Envy that the opening, “this plate finish.” "No! You did not see the sky is too late .I can not stop for a moment, immediately left. Even so, I go back and hide