语言训练测验中心研发办理的“全民英语能力分级检定测验”(简称“全民英检”)自2010年起实施“全民英检”高级电脑化写作测验,提供受测者在原有传统纸笔测验外之另一选择。但是在纸笔测验与电脑化测验双轨并行时,即使是考题一样、测试时间相同,受测者在两种不同应考环境下的表现是否相当?对评分者是否造成影响?这些问题须透过纸笔与电脑化测验的平行研究(comparability studies)来解答。本研究探讨“全民英检”高级写作纸笔与电脑化测验是否平行,比较受测者在两种测验模式下的表现,含受测者分数(score comparability)与受测者文本分析(textual and linguistic features)。结果显示两测验的结果相当、两者并存是可行的,但仍须收集更多受测者作答资料、持续进行研究,以确保两测验具有相同的效度、品质。
The National Training Center for English Language Proficiency Tests (abbreviated as “CET”), which has been developed by the Language Training and Testing Center, since 2010, implements the “Computerized English Writing” Advanced Computer Writing Test, There is another alternative to traditional paper pen tests. However, when the pen-and-pencil test and the computerized test run in parallel, even if the test questions are the same and the test times are the same, are the subjects performing fairly well in two different test-taking environments and have any impact on the scorers? Pen and computerized test of parallel research (comparability studies) to answer. In this study, we investigated whether the parallel writing of “Census in English” pencils and computerized tests are parallel to each other, comparing the subjects’ performance under two test modes, including score comparability and subject text analysis textual and linguistic features. The results showed that the two test results are quite comparable, the two co-exist is feasible, but still more subjects to collect data to answer, continuous research to ensure that the two tests with the same validity, quality.