Introduction of Manganese Oxide into Carbon Nanotubes for the Potential Applications as a Contrast M

来源 :沈阳建筑大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:buyaowenwo123456
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Manganese compound with evident toxicity is widely employed as the contrast medium for clinicalexaminations such as magnetic resonance imaging(MRI).In the present work,a feasible way with the applica-tion of vacuum impregnation and rotary evaporation was proposed to introduce manganese chloride hydrate intothe inner cavities of template - synthesized carbon nanotubes(CNTs),and then a process of alkali treatmentwas used to liberate the loaded CNTs from the template.It is notable that the alkali attack in the presence ofresidual oxygen also resulted in a series of changes in chemical compositions of guest substances,and the ulti-mate compound of manganese was found to be manganese oxide(Mn3O4) by X-ray diffraction and transmissionelectron microscopy.Determinations of energy dispersive spectrum under scanning electron microscopy showeda high-content filling(more than 50 wt%) of Mn3O4 in the loaded CNTs.This work developed a feasible andconvenient way for the encapsulation of guest substances to reduce bio-toxic effects. Manganese compound with evident toxicity is widely employed as the contrast medium for clinicalexaminations such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In the present work, a feasible way with the applica-tion of vacuum impregnation and rotary evaporation was proposed to introduce manganese chloride hydrate intothe inner cavities of template - synthesized carbon nanotubes (CNTs), and then a process of alkali treatmentwas used to liberate the loaded CNTs from the template. It is notable that the alkali attack in the presence ofresidual oxygen also resulted in a series of changes in chemical compositions of guest substances, and the ulti-mate compound of manganese was found to manganese oxide (Mn3O4) by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Determination of energy dispersive spectrum under scanning electron microscopy showed high-content filling (more than 50 wt %) of Mn3O4 in the loaded CNTs. This work developed a feasible andconvenient way for the encapsulation of guest substantive ces to reduce bio-toxic effects.
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