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义乌经济开发区位于义乌市西南面,规划总面积5万平方公里。自1992年8月8日正式挂牌以来,立足高起点开展招商引资,坚持“以规划定地段、以项目带土地”的招商原则,吸引了一大批高起点、高技术、高效益的中外客商落户开发区。如今,在开发区已形成了针织袜业、包装彩印、拉链、塑料、工艺饰品等一批高技术、外向型、市场占有率高的支柱产业,产值2000万元以上40余家,其中5000万元以上15家,亿元左右企业3家,高新技术企业26家。短短几年,一座设计新、功能全、配套齐、标准高的新兴工业城在首期1.5平方公里的土地上拔地而起,成为浙中地区最为成功和最具活力的开发区之一。1997年4月,市委、市政府审时度势作出了开发二期的正确决策。二期 Yiwu Economic Development Zone is located in the southwest of Yiwu City, planning a total area of ​​50,000 square kilometers. Since August 8, 1992 formally listed, based on a high starting point to attract foreign investment, adhere to “to plan for the lot, with the project land ” investment principle, has attracted a large number of high starting point, high-tech, high efficiency of Chinese and foreign Merchants settled in the zone. Nowadays, a number of high-tech, export-oriented and high-market pillar industries such as knitting hosiery, packaging color printing, zipper, plastic and craft accessories have been formed in the zone, with a production value of more than 40 million yuan, of which 50 million yuan 15 yuan above yuan, 3 billion yuan enterprises, 26 high-tech enterprises. In a few short years, a newly industrialized city with full design, full functions, complete facilities and high standards has been built on the land of 1.5 square kilometers in the first phase and has become one of the most successful and dynamic development zones in central Zhejiang . In April 1997, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal People’s Government took the right decision on the second phase of development. Two
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