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内听道位于岩骨深部,其中走行位听神经和面神经,所涉及的病变多与这些颅神经有关。内听道开口于小脑桥脑角区、止于内听道底,与脑干、小脑、内耳的前庭和耳蜗相毗邻,手术解剖复杂。作者报告自1989年~1991年采用经颞骨途径行内听道手术15例,其中经迷路上进路12例,经乳突迷路进路3例。所行手术包括颞骨纵行骨折面神经麻痹3例,贝尔氏面瘫4例,耳带状疱疹1例,均行面神经全程减压,颞骨原发性胆脂瘤2例,面神经鞘瘤2例,肿瘤切除后行面神经移植吻合;内听道听神经瘤3例。本文仅就手术技术及随访结果进行讨论。 The internal auditory canal is located deep in the petrous bone, of which the walking nerve and facial nerve are involved, and the lesions involved are often related to these cranial nerves. The auditory canal opening in the cerebellopontine area, ending in the end of the auditory canal, and the brainstem, cerebellum, inner ear vestibules and cochlea adjacent to the surgical anatomy complex. The authors report from 1989 to 1991, the use of temporal bone via internal auditory canal surgery in 15 cases, of which lost the way into the road in 12 cases, the mastoid labyrinth into the road in 3 cases. Surgical operations included facial nerve palsy in 3 cases of temporal bone longitudinal fracture, Bell’s palsy in 4 cases and ear herpes zoster in 1 case. All facial nerve decompression was performed. 2 cases of temporal bone cholesteatoma, 2 cases of facial nerve sheath tumor, Excision followed by facial nerve transplantation anastomosis; internal auditory neuroma in 3 cases. This article discusses only the surgical techniques and follow-up results.
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“如何让你遇见我,在我最美丽的时刻。为这,我已在佛前求了五百年,求佛让我们结一段尘缘,佛于是把我化做一棵树,长在你必经的路旁。”读席慕蓉的《一棵会开花的树》,那些清丽婉约的词句长短错落,参差叠加,凝聚着古典的诗意和惆怅的情怀诉说,一点一滴跃然纸上,将青春的美好、浪漫、柔情、失落、彷徨刻画得淋漓尽致,引人共鸣。与最近在听的谢春花的《一棵会开花的树》,有异曲同工之处。  两年前,我第一次听谢春花的歌,
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