发生于腮腺部位的韧带样纤维瘤很罕见,报告一例如下。病历报告:患者,26岁,女,因右颌骨下肿物六个月入Grady 纪念医院。体格检查发现在右侧腮腺区域有一6×4cm大小的较固定的、稍软的肿物,肿物伸至耳下和下颌角的后面,导致右侧咽后壁受压迫,颈部和全身淋巴结无肿大,其它各个系统物理检查和实验室检查,胸部和颌骨X线检查均未见异常。双侧腮腺照相证明右侧腮腺有一肿物,诊断为良性瘤或囊肿,可能位于腮腺外部或内部。病人遂进行切除肿物手术。
It is rare that the fibroid fibroids occur in the parotid gland. One case was reported as follows. Patient Report: The patient, 26 years old, female, entered the Grady Memorial Hospital for six months because of a submandibular mass in the right jaw. Physical examination revealed a fixed, slightly soft mass with a size of 6 x 4 cm in the right parotid gland. The mass protruded behind the ear and behind the mandibular angle, resulting in oppression of the right posterior pharyngeal wall and cervical and systemic lymph nodes. No enlargement, physical examinations and laboratory examinations of other systems, and chest and jaw X-ray examinations were all normal. Photographs of the parotid glands on both sides demonstrate a mass in the right parotid gland, which is diagnosed as a benign tumor or cyst, which may be located outside or inside the parotid gland. The patient underwent a tumor resection.