建设“森林型生态城市”是发达国家20世纪60年代提出的主张,其目 的是呼唤人与自然和谐相处。1998年以来,上海、浙江、广东等一些大城市也相继走建设“森林型生态城市”这条路,借鉴新加坡等国的“成功经验”,纷纷加快城市绿化步伐,移植了数量可观的大树、古树进城。随即,很多大中城市争相效仿,大江南北刮起了一阵“大树进城风”,且愈刮愈烈。“大树进城”,究竟算一种什么样的“绿化”?它给生态环境建设带来的是什么?
Building a “Forest-based Eco-city” is an idea put forward by the developed countries in the 1960s with the purpose of calling for harmony between man and nature. Since 1998, some big cities like Shanghai, Zhejiang and Guangdong have also taken the road of building “forest-based eco-cities” one after another. Drawing on the “successful experiences” of Singapore and other countries, they have accelerated the pace of urban greening and transplanted a large number of trees Old trees into the city. Immediately, many cities competing to follow suit, the north and south of the river blowing a burst of “trees into the city wind” and the more the worse. “Tree into the city,” what kind of a kind of “greening”? It gives the ecological environment to bring what is?