
来源 :水利水电技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wwkuan
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黄河三角洲当地水资源贫乏,其97%面积内的工农业生产和生活用水依赖黄河水.针对黄河来水季和性强,水供需矛盾突出,同时又有大量弃水入海的问题,论证了平原水库建设的必要性和可行性.该区平原水库在土坝填筑方面优选施工方法,采用“天龙”式混凝土板进行水库主坝上游护坡,采用垂直铺塑技术进行坝基防渗.针对平原水库在建设与管理中存在的主要问题,提出了对策与建议. The Yellow River Delta is poorly sourced by the local water resources, and 97% of its industrial and agricultural production and domestic use depend on the Yellow River water. In view of the fact that the Yellow River water season is strong, the contradiction between water supply and demand is prominent, and a large amount of water is discarded into the sea at the same time, the necessity and feasibility of reservoir construction in the plain are demonstrated. The plain reservoir in this area is the preferred construction method for earth dam filling. The “Tianlong” concrete slab is used to carry out slope protection at the upstream of the main dam of the reservoir and vertical seepage control technology is used to prevent dam seepage. In view of the main problems existing in the construction and management of plain reservoirs, some countermeasures and suggestions are put forward.
去年农业部组织的联合收割机质量跟踪调查取得了明显的效果 ,各省农机局积累了不少工作经验 ,对开展此项工作的意义与作用有了更深的认识。山西省去年抽调了150名技术人员 ,经历
酥锅以鱼酥菜香而得名,又叫酥鱼锅,是山东淄博的传统名吃。  酥锅的制作,除了讲究技巧,还要有相当的耐心。做酥锅的用料很多,常用的有鲅鱼、鸡、肉、蹄和白菜、豆腐、海带、藕等。鱼要切段过油,豆腐油炸至金黄,海带要煮过切段……它们的排放也很有讲究,首先,要在锅底铺上一层净肋条骨,以防糊锅,然后在肋条骨和锅的四周铺上一层白菜叶,再将鸡、鱼、肉、菜等分层放入。放的时候,要一层蔬菜,一层肉食间隔开,排到最后,