一、工程概况及结构选型过程同济大学留学生宿舍总建筑面积10.960平方米,12层(局部15层),另有地下室二层,平面呈一字形,坐北朝南,采用内廊式平面,共有300间卧室。(图1) 该建筑的特点是:分间密而隔墙多,除门厅外,大部份是3.3米小开间;层数多而层高低,每层的层高为2.8米,建筑物总高为42.9米;使用活荷载不大,楼面均布活荷载按150~200公斤/平方米设计;上海是6度地震区,对一般性建筑不考虑抗震设防,因而自重在整个建筑物的使用荷重中成为主要的控制因素,结构设计的侧重点也在
I. Project Overview and Structural Selection Process Tongji University International Student Dormitory has a total construction area of 10.960 square meters, 12 floors (15 floors in some places), and another basement, with a flat surface in the shape of a letter. It faces the south and faces the south. 300 bedrooms. (Chart 1) The characteristics of the building are: dense partitions and multiple partitions. Except for the entrance hall, most of them are 3.3 meters small open spaces; the number of layers is multiple and the height of each floor is 2.8 meters. The height is 42.9 meters; the use of live load is not large, and the live load of the floor is uniformly designed at 150-200 kg/m2; Shanghai is a 6-degree seismic zone, and the general building does not consider seismic fortification and thus has its own weight in the entire building. The use of the load becomes the main controlling factor, and the structural design is also focused on