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盘点2008年的关键词,“中小企业发展”绝对能算上一个。一直处于融资难困境的中小企业,在这场全球金融风暴的冲击下,处境显得愈发艰难。俗话说,危难之时见真情,在国家政策支持下,我国金融机构雪中送炭,为正处于寒冬期的中小企业送去阵阵暖意。更为让人欣慰的是,金融机构帮扶中小企业发展似乎不仅仅是一场简单的帮扶行动,较之以往,更多了几分互助互利的情意。在同样遭受金融危机影响的中国金融业,在扩大内需宏观经济政策的指导下,将部分业务重点转向中小企业,对自身而言,同样不啻为一个发展契机和战略转型。在“共赢”的前提下,我国银行业金融机构,不断创新产品和服务模式,针对中小企业发展的特殊情况,逐步走出了一条具有中国特色中小企业金融业务发展模式的道路。本期《新闻背后》栏目特别策划了一组金融机构携手中小企业发展的专题,从不同侧面反映我国银行业金融机构与中小企业发展的互动,希望能给读者一些启示。 Inventory key words in 2008, “SME development ” can definitely count one. Small and medium-sized enterprises that have been in financial difficulties have become more and more difficult under the impact of the global financial turmoil. As the saying goes, see the truth in times of crisis, with the support of the national policy, China’s financial institutions have taken timely measures to send bursts of warmth to the small and medium-sized enterprises that are in a cold winter. What is even more gratifying is that it seems that the financial institutions have not only facilitated the development of small and medium-sized enterprises but rather helped them with more simple assistance and assistance than before. Under the same financial crisis, the Chinese financial industry, under the guidance of expanding macroeconomic policies of domestic demand, shifted some of its business focus to small and medium-sized enterprises. For itself, it is equally an opportunity for development and a strategic transformation. Under the premise of “win-win ”, China’s banking financial institutions constantly innovate their products and service modes and, in the light of the special circumstances of the development of SMEs, have gradually stepped out of the path of developing SME-based financial services with Chinese characteristics. In this issue of “The News Behind”, we specially planned the topic of a group of financial institutions joining hands with the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and reflected the interaction between the development of China’s banking financial institutions and the development of small and medium-sized enterprises from different aspects, hoping to give readers some enlightenment.
There was a interesting Dovetail Spade coin in Warring State period, the obverse inscription is “桡比当” , while the reverse is “七■” . Except the “”
很多年来,很多学生都在说这样一句话:上课愁、上语文课愁、上作文课是愁上加愁。作文在考试分数中所占比例将近百分之五十,而学生对它的恐怖程度却将近百分之百。学生从心里也想写好作文,但大多数都是皱着眉头挤牙膏一般写出几段干巴巴的话,而且千篇一律。这在很大程度上反映了当前作文教学中存在的问题。   一、我们的作文教学现状   1.不是缺少生活,而是缺少对生活的体验。在作文教学中,多数教师只关注学生作文
An ideal experiment is designed to determine the past of a particle in the nested Mach-Zehnder interferometer(MZI) by using standard quantum mechanics with quan