牙科工作中存在交叉感染,作者对以下几方面作了讨论。 手机消毒 牙科手机在使用过程中会接触血液,并渗入到机芯内,而使手机内部污染。高压消毒会损坏手机,增加使用时的噪音,减少轴承和轴承壳的寿命。新型免润滑手机采用的是陶瓷轴承,能承受反复的高压消毒。最新介绍的Turbocid系统可以清洗、消毒、润滑手机而达到理想的消毒效果。 手术手套 Latex手术手套在牙科操作使用30分钟后,有75%的手套会产生渗漏现象。手套在反复冲洗
There is cross-infection in dental work, and the authors discuss the following aspects. Cell phone disinfection Dental phones in the course of contact with blood, and infiltrated into the movement, leaving the phone internal pollution. High-pressure disinfection can damage the phone, increase the noise when used, reduce the bearing and bearing shell life. The new non-slip mobile phone using a ceramic bearing, can withstand repeated high-pressure disinfection. The latest Turbocid system cleans, sterilizes and lubricates the phone to achieve the desired disinfection. Surgical Gloves Latex Surgical Gloves 75% of gloves can leak after 30 minutes of dental operation. Wash gloves repeatedly