First, the issue put forward I plant No. 3 furnace (furnace No. 4) in the past has been the main steam temperature turbine side and boiler side of the larger deviation, especially in the hot summer, and sometimes as much as 15 ~ 20 ℃ as much , Seriously affecting the safe and economic operation of the furnace. For example, during the one-month period from February to March 1979, the main steam temperature deviation was larger and an obstacle accident occurred. Fuel consumption was also increased at the same time. Generally, the fuel consumption of 50,000 units increased by 1 ℃ per main steam temperature exceeding the specified value If we calculate the average deviation of 5 ℃ per day (actually sometimes as high as 15 ~ 20 ℃), the steam consumption of No.3 furnace will increase by 240 tons in one month due to the main steam temperature deviation, and will reach 240 tons a year many. In solving this problem, we conducted a detailed examination of the temperature transmitters, measuring elements, lines, meters and interferences, excluding the above factors. It was found that the Ni-Cr-NiSi thermocouple was equipped with a compensation lead for measuring the temperature When its junction temperature must be mistaken