Using a back-stripping method, our paper simulated the subsidence history of the eastern depression in the North Yellow Sea Basin. The subsidence history curve pattern and the subsidence chorisogram during every subsiding period were exposed. Combining with the regional geologic background and the distribution features of the subsiding centers in every period, a contrasting study of the pattern and the classical subsidence history curves shows the subsi- dence history is made up of Mesozoic (J3-K1) and Cenozoic (E2-Q) subsiding cycles. The two subsiding cycles are separated by the late Cretaceous and Paleocene (K2-E1) uplift denudation. Both subsiding cycles have the characteristics of an extension basin. The rapid subsidence during the late Jurassic and Eocene is equivalent to the initial subsiding phases in both cycles.. The slow subsidence of both, the early Cretaceous and Neogene, can be regarded as thermal sub-sidence phases .
Using a back-stripping method, our paper simulated the subsidence history of the eastern depression in the North Yellow Sea Basin. The subsidence history curve pattern and the subsidence chorisogram during every subsiding period were exposed. Combining with the regional geologic background and the distribution features of the subsiding centers in every period, a contrasting study of the pattern and the classical subsidence history curves shows the subsi- dence history is made up of Mesozoic (J3-K1) and Cenozoic (E2-Q) subsiding cycles. The two subsiding cycles Both separatediding cycles have the characteristics of an extension basin. The rapid subsidence during the late Jurassic and Eocene is equivalent to the initial subsiding phases in both cycles. The slow subsidence of both, the early Cretaceous and Neogene, can be regarded as thermal sub-sidence phases.