1992年6月9日零时,铜陵市供电局电力调度中心发生火灾,损失近30万元。熊熊火焰和滚滚浓烟使供电局的广大干部和职工被震惊了,火灾现场的一片涂炭,令他们陷入了深深的痛苦之中。 痛定思痛,供电局的领导没有被火魔吓倒,他们很快建立了一整套行之有效的防火措施。为了从组织上保障防火安全工作有领导、有人抓、有人管,根据局人员变动情况,及时调整了各级防火组织,全局共成立了7个义务消防小组,明确义务消防员51人,各基层单位还明确了一名兼职义务消防员,具体落实本部门的防火安全工作,从而使全局上下形成了消防网络,实行分级管理、责任到人。
At 0:00 on June 9, 1992, a fire broke out in the power dispatch center of Tongling Power Supply Bureau, losing nearly 300,000 yuan. The blazing fire and billowing smoke have shocked the cadres and workers of the power supply bureau. The scene of the fire has caused them to fall into deep pain. Bitter experience, power supply bureau leadership was not intimidated by the fire, they quickly established a set of effective fire prevention measures. In order to ensure the leadership of fire safety work organized by the organization, some arrested and some managed to timely adjust the fire prevention organizations at all levels according to changes in the personnel of the bureau. Seven voluntary fire prevention teams were set up under the overall situation. 51 firefighters were clearly appointed and all grassroots units The unit also made it clear that a part-time duty firefighter will implement the fire safety work of this department in a concrete way, so that a global network of firefighting emerges from the top to the bottom of the scale, carrying out management at different levels and assuming responsibility for all.