(一) 常常听到学生对教师的讲课有时有“讲快了”或“讲慢了”的反映,事后教师检查了自己的教学,并朱发现在讲述方法上有任何含糊不清或拖泥带水的地方,连说话的速度也是适中的。但学生为什么会有这样的反映呢?下去一了解原来教师所讲的内容离开了学生原有的水平,有些地方过多地超越了学生原来的基础,因此学生觉得你讲得太快了;另有些地方则过多地重复了学生早已懂得的东西,因此学生觉得你讲得太慢了,一句话,你的教学违反了“循序渐进”的规律。
(a) It is often heard that students’ lectures on teachers sometimes have a “speaking sooner” or “slowly speaking” response. Afterwards, the teacher has checked his own teaching and Zhu has found any ambiguity or muddled in the way of teaching. In places, even the speed of speaking is moderate. But why do students have this kind of reflection? Going to understand what the original teacher said has left the students’ original level, and some places have exceeded the original foundation of the students too much. Therefore, students think that you speak too quickly; In some places too many things that students already knew are repeated, so students feel that you are speaking too slowly. In a word, your teaching violates the law of “step by step”.