Application of Native Tree Species to Urban Forest

来源 :Chinese Forestry Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xcn1980
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Native trees play important roles in urban forestry, such as a deep cultural background, a strong ecological adaptability, a high performance-cost ratio and a convenient management. But now there are some difficulties in native trees’ utilization and popularization dueto few study on landscape plant. In order to seek an abnormal and artificial landscaping and to produce an effective resultas soon as possible, native and foreign plants can be properly used as an available resource by improving their technological level and emphasizing natural balance. Then Chinese classic culture and green economics can be combined with beautiful forestry by implementing urban sustainable development. Native trees play important roles in urban forestry, such as a deep cultural background, a strong ecological adaptability, a high performance-cost ratio and a convenient management. But now there are some difficulties in native trees’ utilization and popularization dueto few study on landscape In order to seek an abnormal and artificial landscaping and to produce an effective resultas soon as possible, native and foreign plants can be properly used as an available resource by improving their technological level and emphasizing natural balance. Then Chinese classic culture and green economics can be combined with beautiful forestry by implementing urban sustainable development.
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