Iceland’s fisheries have been well developed in recent years and catches have been increasing year by year (Table 1). The total catch of Iceland in 1964 reached 1,107,500 tons, an increase of 66.29% over the total catch of 666,000 tons in 1959. In 1959-1963, the total catches for all the years except for the 1 402 000 tonnes in 1962, the total catch in other years was less than in 1964. The catch of the main economic species in Iceland is herring, codfish, sea fish, pollock, haddock and shrimp, among which herring has the highest yield and has surged to more than 300,000 tonnes since 1961 with the highest increase To 478,000 tons (1962), 388,000 tons in 1964, followed by cod, 1959-