在人生的大舞台上,每个人都同时扮演多个角色,每个角度都有着特定的责任。今天要谈的是关于行路的责任。 作为一位交通参与者,自从你踏上道路开始,就承担着对自己和他人安全的责任;驾驶车辆上路,就承担起遵守交通法规、按章超车或会车、确保路人安全的责任,在路上步行,就承担着按信号行走,在机动车道上安全避让过往车辆通行的责任,如果驾驶满载着旅客的公共汽车行驶,还要承担对每位旅客安全的责任。你的每一种判断、每一个动作,都直接关系着你和他人的生命安全。
On the big stage of life, everyone plays multiple roles at the same time, each with specific responsibilities. What we are talking about today is about our responsibilities. As a traffic participant, you assume responsibility for the safety of yourself and others since you started the road. When you drive your vehicle, you take on the responsibility of complying with traffic regulations, overtaking cars or meeting cars, and ensuring the safety of passers-by. Walking on the road, it takes the responsibility to walk by signal, safely bypass the passing traffic on the motorway, and take responsibility for the safety of every passenger if driving a bus full of passengers. Each of your judgments, every action, is directly related to the safety of you and others.