Approach to Expo 2010 等

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  Approach to Expo 2010
  Expo 2010 Shanghai China will be held from May 1st to October 31st. There is no doubt that the Chinese people will present to the world a successful exposition. Do you want to participate in the grand meeting? Let me show you some basic facts about the Expo.
  ★ The Expo Emblem
  The emblem features the Chinese character “世” which means the world. It is modified to represent three people holding hands together with the date 2010.
  ★ The Expo Theme
  The theme of Expo 2010 is “Better City, Better Life”, representing the common wish of the humankind for better living in future urban environments. It represents a central concern of the international community for future policy making and urban sustainable development.
  ★ The Expo Mascot
  The name of the mascot of Expo 2010 is Hai Bao, which means the treasure of the sea. It is created from the Chinese character“人”, which means people. Hai Bao is the good-will ambassador of Shanghai Expo, embracing friends from all over the world with his arms and confident smile.
  Expo 2010: Making City Better
  Expo 2010 Shanghai China will be a great event to explore the potential of urban life in the 21st century, and it will also be an important period in urban development. Fifty-five percent of the world population is expected to live in cities by the year 2010. The prospect of future urban life, a subject of global interest, concerns all nations, developed or less developed, and their people.
   Being the first World Exposition on the theme of city, Expo 2010 will attract about 200 nations and international organizations as well as 70 million visitors to take part in. From May to October, participants will display urban civilization to the full extent, exchange their experiences of urban development, spread advanced ideas on cities and explore new approaches to human habitat, lifestyle and working conditions in the new century. They will learn how to create an eco-friendly society and maintain the sustainable development of human beings.
  ★ Expo Words
  Expo 2010 Shanghai China 2010年上海世博会
  Expo Emblem世博会会徽 Expo Theme世博会主题
  Expo Mascot世博会吉祥物 Expo Souvenir世博会纪念品
  Expo Park/Site世博园(区) Expo Village世博村
  Theme Pavilion主题馆 International Pavilion国际馆
  Enterprise Pavilion企业馆 China Pavilion中国馆
  Expo Dining Center世博餐饮中心 Information Center信息中心
  Service Center 服务中心 Expo First-aid Center世博急救中心
  Expo’s Information Booths 世博信息展示台
  Volunteers: We Are Ready
  By the end of 2009, more than 600 thousand people had entered for the voluntary work, and there was a considerable amount of youth.
  Volunteers will be divided into two categories: those offering voluntary services in the Expo Site and those working across the city.
  Expo Site volunteers mainly provide visitors and the organizers with services including information, reception, translation, assistance for the disabled, and assistance in public order maintenance, media service, events organization and volunteer management. The city volunteers are stationed at service stations and in the Expo’s information booths outside the Expo Site at key transportation centers, tourist attractions, restaurants, hotels, etc. They offer services including information, translation and even first aid.
  The volunteers have their own logo. The main part of the logo is composed of the Chinese character “心” which means heart. It implies the conscientiousness and cordiality of volunteers.
  Something Impressive in World Expo
  World Expositions are galleries of human inspirations and thoughts. Since 1851 when the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations was held in London, the World Expositions have experienced more than 100 years.
  ★ The Most Frequent Host
  The United States held the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations in New York City in 1853. After that World Expo was held another dozen times in the United States, respectively in 1876, 1893, 1904, 1915, 1926, 1933, 1939, 1962 , 1964, 1974, 1982 and 1984, ranking first in all countries.
  ★ The Largest
   World Expo
  The 1939 New York World Expo, which covered 1,216 acres of a park, was the largest World Expo of all time. Over 44 million people attended its exhibits in two seasons. That was the first exposition to be based on the future, with an opening slogan of “Dawn of a New Day” and the theme of “Building the World ofTomorrow”.
  ★ The First World Expo
   Held in Asia
  Expo’70 was held in Osaka, Japan between March 15 and September 13, 1970. This was the first World Expo held in Asia. A popular highlight of the Expo was a large moon rock exhibited in the United States pavilion. It was brought back from the moon by Apollo 12 astronauts in 1969.
  Taste Bud’s Travel Around the Worldin World Expo 2010
  How will you spend your summer vacation?Do you want to share the joy with global visitors and enjoy the delicious food from all over the world? Come and join in the Expo!
  Food may be one of the most attractive things in the Expo. When you visit the World Expo Shanghai 2010, your taste buds will travel around the world too.
  To provide visitors with various food choices and, at the same time, meet the dining demands of large numbers of visitors, the organizer of the World Expo 2010 has mainly introduced Chinese food and western fast food, a snack square, and ethnic restaurants into the site.
  In the Expo Park, you may have the chance to taste French champagne, Ukrainian borsch, Beijing roast duck, Swiss grilled sausage... Moreover, Spanish cooking, Brazil roast beef, and Japanese cooking. If your stomach is big enough, you may taste all these in the pavilions of different countries.
  feature 以……为特色 modify 调整 urban 城市的
  international community 国际社会 sustainable 可持续的
  ambassador 大使 potential 潜力 organization 组织、机构
  participant 参与者 civilization 文明 full extent充分
  habitat 居住地 eco-friendly 生态友好的 enter for 报名参加
  voluntary 志愿的 considerable 可观的 category 类别
  reception 接待 disabled 残疾人 maintenance 维护
  events organization 活动组织 station 安置
  transportation center交通枢纽 tourist attraction 旅游景点
  conscientiousness 尽心尽责 cordiality 热忱
  gallery 展览馆
  Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations 万国工业产品博览会
  acre 英亩(≈4050m2)slogan 口号 Apollo 12 阿波罗12号飞船
  taste bud 味蕾 attractive 吸引人的 ethnic 民族的
  champagne 香槟酒 Ukrainian borsch 乌克兰红菜汤
  Swiss grilled sausage 瑞士烤香肠 Brazil roast beef 巴西烤肉
2010年世界杯足球赛即将在南非举行。不久前,俄罗斯《总结》周刊记者就世界杯足球赛怎样选择裁判员等问题采访了欧洲足联裁判委员会成员、国际足联评选的最佳裁判之一——意大利人皮耶鲁济·科里纳。  记者:世界杯足球赛的裁判员是怎样挑选的?要知道,所有足球队的命运在很大程度上取决于裁判员的专业水平。  科里纳:国际足联通常利用两年的时间来挑选裁判员,这个过程很漫长。2008年年底组成了一个由约40人组成的
2015年10月,白俄罗斯女记者和散文作家阿列克谢耶维奇荣获诺贝尔文学奖。她的代表作主要有《车诺比的悲鸣》《切尔诺贝利的回忆:核灾难口述史》《锌皮娃娃兵》《我是女兵也是女人》《最后一个证人》等。  阿列克谢耶维奇作品最大的特点就是纪实性。评委会说“她的复调式书写,为我们时代的苦难和勇气树立了丰碑”。瑞典文学院常务秘书说,阿列克谢耶维奇创造性地书写了一段“情感的历史、灵魂的历史”。她每写一本书都要花
2010年1月,已有18年历史的杭州汽车东站停止了运营,取而代之的是位于九堡的新客运中心。对此,许多人表示不解,九堡新客站比原来的汽车东站离市中心远十几公里,进出城区要花更多时间,为什么会选在九堡建造新的汽车站,而不是别的地方呢?带着这个问题,让我们走近土地资源管理专业和土地资源管理工作一探究竟。    “通俗点说,土地管理的工作就是先确定一块地的范围和面积,再结合这块地的地段区位、环境特点以及政
断句是文言文考查的传统题型,浙江省高考卷于2007年和2008年连续两年涉及这一考点,足以说明它的重要性。断句失误,必然误解古文原意,因此不少同学畏惧文言文断句题。其实,给文言文断句是有方法可循、有关键可抓的。  让我们先来看一道文言文断句题的解题过程。  (2008年高考语文浙江卷)政姊荣闻人有刺杀韩相者贼不得国不知其名姓暴其尸而县之千金乃於邑曰其是吾弟与嗟乎严仲子知吾弟立起如韩之市而死者果政也
1. C2. B3. D4. D5. ②⑤③①④  6. “祖冲之”最好。“孙行者”三字,“孙”是名词,“行”是动词,“者”为虚词。“猪八戒”“牛魔王”两个对句存在词性不对的问题。“八”是数词,不能与“行”相对;“戒”是实词,不能与“者”相对。“魔”是名词,不能与“行”相对;“王”是实词,不能与“者”相对。“胡适之”的“胡”可与“孙行者”的“孙”谐音“猢狲”相对;“适”在古文中有“到、往”的意思,
当足球遭遇高海拔    “当你在观看2010南非世界杯比赛的时候,可能已经发现队员之间的长传球很容易传过头,”美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的工程师拉比·梅塔说,“原因也许在于南非的空气密度与低海拔地区有所不同。”  在地球表面,随着地势的升高,地球对大气层气体分子的引力逐渐减小,因此空气密度也就随之减小。南非世界杯9个主办城市的共10座球场中,除了开普敦、伊丽莎白港与德班的球场外,其他7座球场的
仔细观察图1,有没有发现这些曲线的形状都很像一颗心?它有没有使你生发出一些美丽的联想?事实上,这样的曲线叫做心形线,而它背后的确有一段浪漫感人的故事,是关于著名数学家笛卡尔的。  笛卡尔于1596年出生在法国,欧洲大陆暴发黑死病时他流浪到瑞典的一个小公国(类似于我国古代的诸侯国),结识了公主克里斯汀,并成为了她的数学教师。朝夕相处使他们彼此产生了爱慕之情。国王知道后勃然大怒,下令将笛卡尔处死,因为
《哪吒之魔童降世》电影海报  动漫电影《哪吒之魔童降世》(以下简称《哪吒》),笑傲国内国际市场,票房成绩一路攀升。比故事讲述的年代更重要的是讲述故事的年代,相比从前哪吒自刎、杀父的决绝悲怆,经过改编后的《哪吒》被赋予兄弟义气、家庭和美的主题,再搭配顽童形象、幽默段子以及圆满结局,投合了这个时代的部分情感诉求,即在浩荡庞大的时代小心寄托个人小范围的岁月静好。  从父子冲突到父慈子孝,从决绝悲怆到岁月
“世界末日钟”回拨     2010年1月14日,世界各地的人们通过网络转播,见证了设在美国的“世界末日钟”的第19次调整——向回拨动1分钟。在举世闻名的“世界末日钟”上,人类距离代表“末日”的子夜12点还有6分钟之遥。  “世界末日钟”是一面虚构的钟,由芝加哥大学《原子科学家公报》杂志于1947年设立。这面钟用于标示世界受核武器威胁的程度,子夜12点整象征世界末日或核战争爆发的时间。根据世界局势
《最后的诗篇》是泰戈尔晚年68岁时写的一部长篇小说。小说情节简单,没有像其前期创作的《戈拉》等小说那样为我们描绘一幅广阔的社会画面和曲折复杂的故事,而是洋溢着诗情画意和对自然的描绘。整部小说语言优雅且运用了大量的比喻、拟人等修辞,充满浪漫主义的诗意气息。这与泰戈尔诗人的气质是分不开的,同时也与当时的文学发展环境密切相关。  印度作为英国的殖民地,在社会的各个领域都受到英国及其所代表的西方社会的影响