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为了提高我刊质量,使之更加切合广大读者的需要,我刊于87年第4期随期刊发出了《大学英语》杂志读者意见表,向读者广泛征求意见。许许多多的读者把意见表填写好了寄回本刊编辑部。意见中既有热情的鼓励,也有合理的建议和善意的批评。读者们希望我们把刊物“越办越好”,使其“日臻完善”。在此,我们谨向所有关心我刊的读者致以深忱的谢意!令人感到欣慰的是,读者们对我刊的办刊方针及工作进行了充分的肯定,予以了高度的评价。无论是老订户,还是新订户均认为我刊确实是大学生、研究生英语学习的“良师益友”。考取研究生的读者向本刊致谢, In order to improve the quality of our publications and make them more responsive to the needs of a wide range of readers, I published in the 4th issue of the 87th issue of the “University English” magazine readers’ opinions form with the periodicals, and asked the readers for extensive comments. A large number of readers filled out the opinion form and sent it back to the editorial department of the publication. There are both enthusiastic encouragement as well as reasonable suggestions and goodwill criticism. The readers hope that we will make the publications “better and better” and make them “perfect.” Here, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to all readers who are interested in our publication. It is gratifying that readers fully affirmed the guidelines and work of our publication and gave a high evaluation. Both the old subscribers and the new subscribers think that our journal is indeed a “teacher and friend” for undergraduate and graduate English study. Readers of graduate students thanked the journal.
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作者Lafcadio Hearn 小泉八云(1850—1904)生于希腊,父为爱尔兰人,母为希腊人,在英国和法国受教育,曾在美国作新闻记者,后到日本,入日本籍,是19世纪末著名作家。此信简朴自然