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人文精神就是以人为本的精神,它强调一切从人出发、一切以人为归宿的精神,它是高度重视人的价值和尊严的一种思想态度。它体现的是一个民族优秀文化的传承与弘扬,这种传承与弘扬体现在从中华民族数千年生生不息的文明史中去吸取精华,融化为新时期的民族文化精神和道德观念,从而推动人的精神进步和社会的现代化。培养学生的人文精神是时代发展的必然要求,在《义务教育语文课程标准》中也做了明确具体的规定。 Humanistic spirit is the people-oriented spirit. It emphasizes the spirit of starting from all people and putting people first. It is an attitude of thinking highly of human values ​​and dignity. It shows the inheritance and promotion of a national excellent culture. This inheritance and promotion is manifested in absorbing the essence from the endless history of civilization of the Chinese nation and melting it into the ethos of the national culture and morality in the new era, so that Promote people’s spiritual progress and social modernization. The cultivation of students’ humanistic spirit is an inevitable requirement for the development of the times. Specific requirements have also been made in the Standard of Chinese for Compulsory Education.
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函数y=f(a±x)是复合函数的一个抽象形式,近年来,与此式有关的考题经常出现,它涉及到函数的多方面性质.本文列举几个常见的表现形式及解题方法,供参考.一、求解析式 The fun
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